Connected Autonomous Driving Meetup Stuttgart

Yesterday I had the chance to participate in a Meetup for the first time – it was an awesome event in Stuttgart Vaihingen, where Bosch  and Daimler develop the urban, autonomous solutions of the future together:

Overall a bit more than 30 ambitious “relaxed passengers” attended the event, it was oranized by Rainer Bareiss, one of the first students who finished Udacity’s Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree and sponsored by Bosch who provided Pizza, general drinks and some local beer :).

The keynote talk was given by Jonathan Kautsch, who gave a brief insight into the work as Self-Driving car engineer, how the cooperation between Daimler and Bosch works and presented a short insight in how deep learning is applied to for example detect traffic lights under all sorts of different conditions:

The second talk was given by Uwe Sterr who gave a brief insight into the development of a Deep Q Learning algorithms using several examples such as MITs DeepTraffic:

Uwe and Elias have founded a great group trying to build theirs own small scale Self-Driving cars. If you would like to join them, visit this page:

The third an last talk was given by me in which I gave a short insight into Udacity’s Intro to Self-Driving Car Nanodegree and how to prepare for the huge Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree or to become a Self-Driving car engineer in general:

If you are living near Stuttgart or are (like some others and me ambitous enough to drive the two hours per way) you should asap visit this page and sign up for the next Meetup as well :):

If you are interested in starting a career at Bosch, you are welcome to try this e-mail address which has been decently put onto the back of our name signs ;).

Thanks at this point for providing the space and beverage again.